Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bio Apps Reflection 3

Learning is the process of building knowledge about concepts done through questioning, exploration and negotiation of relateable ideas. Every learner has 100% control over their learning and will construct meaning to the fullest with the motivation to make applications of situations. Learning is the exploration of why and how things are happening.
Teaching is the probing of student understanding through the creation of questions in which foster the negotiation of ideas that build a conceptual framework. Teaching includes presenting opportunities for students to explore their questions and providing the outlets for connecting prior knowledge to new.
Science education is driven by the foundation of big ideas. The big ideas are what unify the standards to lessons. They drive understanding and give relation of content to students real lives. If a science unit begins with an overall big idea, it doesn't matter where the students decide to go next with the lesson because every concept will match up to the big idea. In simple terms, the big idea is the foundation of a lesson (possibly unit), or the statement to continue building off of. Teachers must make sure to address the big idea first thing after probing for misconceptions and prior knowledge as well as at the end once students have constructed new understanding.

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